Why is the Indian army so powerful?

Why is the Indian army so powerful?

Why is the Indian army so powerful?n

Idian army works on certain ethos which makes it one of the strongest armies of the world.

The Indian Army soldier is infused by a set of values that make the soldier willingly face a plethora of challenges and difficulties, and when the call may come, to give the ultimate sacrifice in the service of the Nation. The ethos of the Army is ingrained in all soldiers with an unwavering will to succeed, accepting their grave responsibility and an unbridled ability to give their lives for others.

These values stoke the attitude of Service before Self in every soldier.

  • Espirit-de-Corps : Unmatchable spirit of comradeship and brotherhood regardless of caste, creed or religion.
  • Spirit of Selfless Sacrifice : The tradition is never to question, but to do or die for the three "Ns"; Naam, i.e. name-honour- of the unit/Army/Nation, 'Namak'(salt) i.e. loyalty to the Nation, and 'Nishan', i.e. the insignia or flag of his unit/regiment/Army/Nation which the soldiers hold afloat willingly.
  • Valour : Fearlessness in combat and in the face of the enemy even when fighting against great odds or even when facing sure death.
  • Non-discrimination : The Indian Army does not discriminate on account of caste, creed or religion. A soldier is a soldier first and anything else later. He prays under a common roof. It is this unique character, which makes him bind in a team despite such diversity.
  • Fairness and Honesty : The spirit of honesty and fair play. He fights for a just cause that extends even to the enemy (prisoner or wounded).
  • Discipline and Integrity Discipline and integrity impart the feeling of patriotism, honesty and courage under all circumstances, however strong be the provocation otherwise.
  • Fidelity, Honour and Courage He is a man on whose shoulders lies the honour and integrity of his nation. He knows that he is the last line of defence and he cannot fail the Nation.
  • Death to Dishonour A close bond amongst soldiers forces them to choose death to dishonour. The concept of 'IZZAT' (HONOUR) in the clan / unit enables them to shun the fear of death; to be called a coward in the peer group is worse than death.
  • Forthrightness : A soldier has to be forthright, for on his word the men he leads are going to lay down their lives without questioning why.

The famous credo of Chetwode Hall is deeply imbibed in the men in Olive Green. It is the spirit of this credo, imbibed in every officer that binds him with his men in an unshakeable bond of camaraderie.

The safety, honour and welfare of your country comes first always and every time.

The honour, welfare and comfort of the men you command comes next.

Your own ease, comfort and safety comes last always and every time.

Jai Hind !!

Source -Join Indian Army & Google Images

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